
Monday, March 26, 2012

The Oatmeal Diet

Lately, I’ve been feeding my skin a diet of all-natural oatmeal. Oatmeal can reduce redness and calm skin. The pieces act as a gentle exfoliant, and when the ingredients read simply “100% natural whole grain rolled oats”, I don’t doubt what I’m putting on my skin.

Previously, I used a handful of oatmeal to wash my face. The pieces clogged my sink and made a mess- so I solved the problem by putting the dry oats into the blender on the grind setting, ¼ cup at a time. The result was course oat flour that wouldn’t clog the drain.

Now, when I shower, a saturated handful of oat flour replaces conventional body wash. My skin looks better, my keratosis pilaris has settled down, my skin rarely looks dry, and most of the redness has been calmed. My complexion is great, albeit pale.

My skin is so sensitive that every “real” face soap I’ve ever tried irritated my skin in some way. Oatmeal has been the first thing to work for me.  

You can make an oatmeal bath by packing half a cup of dry oats into an old length of pantyhose and letting it soak in the bath. You’ll notice the difference in your skin right away, especially if your skin is sensitive like mine.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Beauty Rant

"You're dieting? You wear makeup? You want a nose job? But you're gorgeous the way you are! Don't let the media's idea of perfection poison you."

It's popular right now to tell girls that they don't ever need to change. People should see them as beautiful as they are and if they don't, there's nothing that can be done. I'm calling BS on that.

The truth is, nobody is perfect- but that doesn't mean that we can't strive to improve ourselves. We work to get better at school, at sports, at public speaking, so why is it such a taboo to want to look better?

Makeup, hair, surgery: if beauty is only skin deep, why does society shun those who only want to be more beautiful? People who change their physical appearance are still the same person inside. If they want to change their outside, let them. We need to STOP criticizing people for wanting to attain their own standard of beauty.

If changing your physical appearance will make you happy, your happiness is worth it. Don't let other people tell you what to do. If you want to be beautiful, don't let the media's idea of imperfection poison you. 

Friday, December 23, 2011


I don't really remember how I came across this website, but now I don't know what I'd do without it. You can set goals, find others with similar goals, and read and write posts about progress. The goals can be whatever you want, simple or nearly unattainable. It only matters that you set a goal. 

You can see my profile here. I highly encourage you to join. It truly is inspiring to see so many people working together to reach their dreams. 

"Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?"   Robert Browning

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tooth Amigurumi (Free Pattern)

Recently, my orthodontist's office held a contest; patients were challenged to create homemade ornaments for the Christmas tree in their waiting room. A reward was offered for the ornament that received the most 'likes' on Facebook.

This project was my first amigurumi, and I created it entirely from scratch without a pattern. Some call me crazy, others call me ambitious. Whatever you want to call me, I am very proud of the way the ornament turned out:

and so I've decided to share the pattern with you. I know I would have loved to have this pattern before I began!

Tooth Amigurumi Pattern by Lindsey11097

Obviously, you can omit the Santa hat. I forgot to snap a picture of the tooth without the hat, but it's easy to leave out.

If you decide to try this, send me pictures of your results! Good luck.

The Angels are Coming

Finally, it's Christmas time. Awesome. This is honestly my favorite time of the year.

My only complaint about this gorgeous season: ANGELS. EVERYWHERE.


If you haven't wet yourself with terror yet, you don't know Doctor Who. I feel very, very sorry for you.

Basically, If you haven't seen the iconic episode Blink, leave now. 


My Dad was teasing us about the Angels, sparking yet another Doctor Who conversation, and at eerily exactly the same moment, my little brother and I reached the conclusion that the four angels who were quantum locked in this episode are loose wreaking havoc somewhere, right this very moment. An Angel being observed turns to stone- it can't get you, but the moment you look away, they attack. The Doctor tricked the four angels into standing in a square, looking directly at one another. But what happens when the lights go out in the basement, and they're no longer observing each other? 

Good luck.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Doctor Who Hedgehog Sleepover

My original plans were to go to Rocky Horror this weekend, but my would-be Rocky Horror buddy, Ann, invited me over to her house to Doctor Who our Friday night instead.  I'd say it was a pretty good trade off.

Her mom said that I could come, assuming the condition that I would bring pictures of my hedgehog. I did one better and brought the hedgehog himself! Honestly, I don't know who had more fun- Ann's family, watching Oliver doing hedgehog things; or me, watching them freak out over the hedgehog. 

Something tells me that they'll be getting a hedgehog in the near future. Can you say 'hedgehog playdate'?

We also spent some time with the fourth Doctor. I've only been watching since the ninth doctor, and believe me: Old Who was a real treat. If you haven't seen any, you are missing out!

And the special effects. The special effects were fantastic.

We talked for hours, discussing Doctor Who, the ending to the final Harry Potter Movie, crochet projects, boys, and life in general. Ann is honestly the wonderful type of friend that I cannot get enough of.

I am absolutely enamored with her wonderful family, and her dogs. I never could have guessed that they'd all be as cool as her! That's almost too much awesome under one roof.

Check out Ann's blog here to see why I love her so much:

Monday, October 24, 2011

*this is a letter for the man who posts HIF freebies and is also possibly the most hilarious man on the internet*

I think I'm going to call you Mr. Goob. Okay.

Dear Mr. Goob, 
I just want to say that your posts make my day. You are so great and I don't think you get told enough times how awesome you are. With no exaggeration, I think you are one of the funniest people I've heard from, ever. The fact that you're battling cancer at the same time makes you one of the strongest people... It takes so much, I know because my Dad had cancer. Its great that you are still able to smile and look forward. I wish I could be there for you in person, but you should know that I'm here for you in a metaphorical, internet way (: 
I feel like there is no way to express in words how happy you make me, but this is my best try. Thank you for being so wonderful
♥, Lindsey