
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Beauty Rant

"You're dieting? You wear makeup? You want a nose job? But you're gorgeous the way you are! Don't let the media's idea of perfection poison you."

It's popular right now to tell girls that they don't ever need to change. People should see them as beautiful as they are and if they don't, there's nothing that can be done. I'm calling BS on that.

The truth is, nobody is perfect- but that doesn't mean that we can't strive to improve ourselves. We work to get better at school, at sports, at public speaking, so why is it such a taboo to want to look better?

Makeup, hair, surgery: if beauty is only skin deep, why does society shun those who only want to be more beautiful? People who change their physical appearance are still the same person inside. If they want to change their outside, let them. We need to STOP criticizing people for wanting to attain their own standard of beauty.

If changing your physical appearance will make you happy, your happiness is worth it. Don't let other people tell you what to do. If you want to be beautiful, don't let the media's idea of imperfection poison you. 

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