
Monday, March 26, 2012

The Oatmeal Diet

Lately, I’ve been feeding my skin a diet of all-natural oatmeal. Oatmeal can reduce redness and calm skin. The pieces act as a gentle exfoliant, and when the ingredients read simply “100% natural whole grain rolled oats”, I don’t doubt what I’m putting on my skin.

Previously, I used a handful of oatmeal to wash my face. The pieces clogged my sink and made a mess- so I solved the problem by putting the dry oats into the blender on the grind setting, ¼ cup at a time. The result was course oat flour that wouldn’t clog the drain.

Now, when I shower, a saturated handful of oat flour replaces conventional body wash. My skin looks better, my keratosis pilaris has settled down, my skin rarely looks dry, and most of the redness has been calmed. My complexion is great, albeit pale.

My skin is so sensitive that every “real” face soap I’ve ever tried irritated my skin in some way. Oatmeal has been the first thing to work for me.  

You can make an oatmeal bath by packing half a cup of dry oats into an old length of pantyhose and letting it soak in the bath. You’ll notice the difference in your skin right away, especially if your skin is sensitive like mine.

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